Candidate Services

Private Service Career Coaching

Finding a new position is difficult, especially if you haven’t had to search in quite some time. Let us help guide you through the process. Our Career Coaching services will help you focus your efforts so you can find the best fit possible. From interview preparation to salary negotiation tips, our expertise in the Private Service field will give you the confidence you need to put your best foot forward. Let’s get started today.

Resume & Cover Letter Creation

How do you make yourself stick out from the crowd when you’re applying for a new position? In today’s crowded labor market, it’s important that candidates think about how they are branding themselves. Let us design you a custom resume and cover letter that will help you stand out in the crowd.  We provide you with template files so you can make your own edits so you don’t have to worry about reinvesting in your materials after they are made. 

Industry Resources

Our Resources Page is constantly being updated to provide you with the best resources to assist you in your job search and make you an indispensable employee once you have found the right position. True professionals are constantly looking to increase their knowledge base and we are always on the lookout for great information or products that we can share with our network of Private Service Professionals and clients.

Our unique approach

We understand how difficult it is to be alone in your job search. It’s demoralizing to apply for positions constantly and not get a response back. Doubt begins to creep in, and you wonder if you really are the skilled professional you thought you were…then, when you finally do get a response back, your nerves take over, and the interview goes poorly.

You don’t have to go through that alone. The Ryan Staffing Group is here to support you throughout your career. Our decades of experience screening and placing candidates will make sure you are putting your best foot forward for whatever position you are applying for.

We take the time to discuss your career goals and will help you strategize on how to achieve them. Hone your interview skills with mock interviews and receive direct feedback that you can apply to your next interview to make sure you ace it. 

Dedication & Care

We truly care that you find the perfect position and will work with you to make sure you feel the most prepared you can.

A Personalized Approach

Every person has a different story to tell and a personalized approach is the only way to truly draw out all your great talents and experiences.


We take the time to dot the i’s and cross the t’s to make sure nothing is missed. At RSG, you won’t fall through the cracks.

Industry Expertise

With over 15 years of experience staffing private properties, the Ryan Staffing Group can apply their staffing industry expertise to your search.

"When you encourage others, you in the process are being encouraged because you’re making a commitment to that person’s life. Encouragement really does make a difference."

Zig Ziglar

P.O. Box 17571
Missoula, MT 59808


(406) 451-7373